by: Egger, R., Pagiri, A., Prodinger, B., Liu, R., & Wettinger, F.
In ENTER22 e-Tourism Conference (pp. 356-368). Springer, Cham
The needs of travellers vary across cultures. When it comes to culinary aspects, there is a strong connection between gastronomy and culture. To optimise service offerings, investigation of the essential aspects of dining experiences in relation to cultural backgrounds is of great importance. In the age of digitalisation, tourists share their dining experiences throughout their multiphasic travel journey via online platforms. By considering nine distinct cultural backgrounds, this research aims to investigate tourist experiences based on TripAdvisor restaurant reviews through topic modelling, using the city of Salzburg as its study context. Depending on one’s cultural circumstances, the findings demonstrate that the most important aspects include staff, food-menu items, value for money, restaurant physical appearance, food authenticity, overall service, menu offers, food quality, atmosphere, and recommendations. This study advances the state-of-the-art knowledge of societal culture as a variable in the target market analysis of restaurant customers. Findings allow restaurant owners, other tourism service providers, and destination management organisations to analyse and adapt their service offerings and strategies accordingly.
The presentation below is from the ENTER 2022 conference
The full paper can be downloaded here.
Pls. cite: Egger, R., Pagiri, A., Prodinger, B., Liu, R., & Wettinger, F. (2022, January). Topic Modelling of Tourist Dining Experiences Based on the GLOBE Model. In ENTER22 e-Tourism Conference (pp. 356-368). Springer, Cham.